• Posterzine Issue 12| Em Cole
  • Posterzine Issue 12| Em Cole
  • Posterzine Issue 12| Em Cole
  • Posterzine Issue 12| Em Cole
  • Posterzine Issue 12| Em Cole
  • Posterzine Issue 12| Em Cole

Posterzine Issue 12| Em Cole

People of Print

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Em Cole is a diverse designer who excels in videography, art direction, image making and more. Recently graduated from art school, Emily has already collaborated with renowned names such as Wah London, Polyester Magazine, and Bompas and Parr. Posterzine® is a monthly mini-magazine and poster project by People of Print that showcases a different artist each issue. This special edition utilizes three unique spot colors, including Pantone blue 801C, orange 804U, and pink 805C, and is printed on premium GFSmith Naturalis Paper by Pressision Ltd. With an exclusive interview and alluring images, this edition is a first in our Posterzine collection.

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