Reading & Writing

Every 2nd Wednesday of the month.

Altogether Otherwise, 6-10 Hanover Street, M4 4BB


Come and join Laura and Swen from Jot Bookshop & Journal to read fragments of contemporary literature together.

We will select and distribute a diverse array of texts from some of our favourite authors and publishers amongst a thriving UK scene of independent publishing. Seeking out exciting new literature, poetry, essay and memoir, as well as works that gently and brilliantly challenge the boundaries of forms and genres. Works that speak to us about the complexities of living and feeling in our times.

Collective reading sessions – silent and/or out loud – are followed by an opportunity to respond within an informal, supportive, conversational setting.

Following our Barthesian motto ‘I write because I have read’, we will end each session with the quiet jotting of notes that may serve as the basis for our forthcoming projects.

For novices and buffs. Lovers, not experts.

Texts will be distributed before each session and are also available to walk-in readers on the day. No purchase or preparation necessary.

Contact for digital copies or pick up photocopies from altogetherotherwise.

Sharing the ways books interact with the people that read them.